Sentence dictionary
alexander dubček
in a sentence
alexander dubcek
Under Alexander Dubcek in the 1960s, it tested the limits of liberal Communism. Hope for wide-ranging economic reform came with Alexander Dubcek's rise in January 1968. 1968-Soviet forces ...
Dubcek's reforms were indeed a threat to their power. About a hundred people were killed, and Dubcek was deposed. Dubcek died in 1992 after sustaining injuries in a car accident. Dubcek di...
mamie dubcek
Shortly thereafter, Dick scrounges up a job as a physics professor at nearby Pendelton State University and the aliens rent a loft apartment from Mrs . Mamie Dubcek, who remains their land...
1951 alexander cup
He officiated six Allan Cup finals, three Memorial Cup finals, and the 1951 Alexander Cup. When the Quakers won the WCSHL 1950-51 championship, they became the western league's representat...
abraham alexander
Abraham Alexander is said to have chaired the meeting. His Swedish documents declare that he was Jewish, and that his full name was "'Abraham Alexander Cooper " '. "' Abraham Alexander Rib...
abraham alexander ribicoff
"' Abraham Alexander Ribicoff "'( April 9, 1910 February 22, 1998 ) was an Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.
adam alexander
This would be the final 500 on the radio for Adam Alexander. He had one surviving son, Adam Alexander and a daughter Anne Mary. Jenkins filled the spot previously held by Adam Alexander, w...
adam alexander dawson
Adam Alexander Dawson was born at 33 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh, son of Alexander Bashall Dawson and Aileen Twentyman Smithers. William Collier Smithers was the Grandfather of Collier Twenty...
adam rankin alexander
Eben Alexander's father, Ebenezer Alexander, was a prominent judge in Tennessee, and his grandfather, Adam Rankin Alexander, was the founder of Alexandria, Tennessee and a member of the Ho...
addison alexander mackenzie
The school opened in 1969 as Don Head Secondary School and was renamed Alexander Mackenzie High School in 1992, in honour of Major Addison Alexander Mackenzie, a well-known Richmond Hill r...
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